A Successful 2025 Season!

The 2025 season comes to an end for the MavBots, with great showings at both the Ventura and San Diego County regionals. The team competed with and against some of the best FRC teams in the world. Placing high and getting picked in Alliance Selection is no easy task, and the team did it at both events! Looking forward to a little down time before we look at ahead to competing in some offseason events.

The MavBots reveal their 2025 REEFSCAPE robot, Gorgasia!

LCC Robotics has been working hard these past two months, building a new robot to compete in this season’s FIRST Robotics Competition game, REEFSCAPE. Building upon last year’s successful restart of the program, student participation has doubled and we’ve added a new robotics training room on campus. The team is proud of what they have accomplished thus far and look forward to representing LCC at the following competitions:

March 6-9: Ventura @ Port of Hueneme
March 20-23: San Diego @ UCSD LionTree Arena

The MavBots compete at Battle at the Border 2024

Our team competed at the 2-day Battle at the Border off-season FIRST Robotics Competition hosted by Teams 1538 – The Holy Cows , 2485 – W.A.R. Lords and 9452 – LHS Steel Stingers. Overall we were very happy to place 13th out of 34 robots from 27 different teams based out of San Diego and Orange Counties. Though we initially missed out on making it into the 8 playoff alliances, we were called upon midway through the playoffs when Team 1622 – Team Spyder had a broken intake. Though our new alliance with @3128aluminumnarwhals and @team_5137 did not make it any further, it was great opportunity to compete under the stress of a playoff match. It was great to have many of our new team members take part as well to see what to expect for this coming season.

Information Night Presentation Available

We had a great turnout this week with lots of interest in our robotics program! In case you could not make it, here is the presentation that was given.

Questions? Email robotics@lccteams.org

Parent & Student Information Night

Please join us in on Tuesday, September 17th @ 6 pm at La Costa Canyon HS Room 904 to learn more about our Robotics team as we gear up for the 2024-2025 season!

Questions? Email robotics@lccteams.org

Saturday Meeting

Join us on Saturday, October 21 from 10 AM to 3 PM in LCC Room 904 for building a robot base with swerve drive.

MavBots Are Back! Next Steps

Thank you to all who attended our second robotics team interest meeting Wednesday night. We have enough student and parent support to start the team up again!

Event Reminder: “Battle at the Border” this weekend @ Cathedral Catholic

If you’re curious about an offseason robot competition, attend the “Battle at the Border” this weekend at Cathedral Catholic. Details are at the end of this post.

Immediate Action Needed: Role Sign-up

Our first priority is determining the roles students and parents are interested in. There is now a SignUpGenius for leadership positions, areas of interest, and parent roles.

The team will decide the best way to organize for this season.

As a small team, most students fill multiple roles. Sign up for as many positions or areas as you would like. Our goal is to find out what areas you are most interested in.

Upcoming Event Details:

“Battle at the Border” Offseason Robotics Competition


Cathedral Catholic
5555 Del Mar Heights Rd
San Diego, CA 92130

Best Times to Visit:
Saturday (12-4 PM) or Sunday (10-1 PM)

Note: Wear closed-toe shoes and bring safety goggles if you plan to visit the pit areas.

If anyone has experience with machining or CNC machines, send me a message. 

Thank you all for your enthusiasm and prompt responses as we move forward to restart the LCC MavBots team. Your involvement is crucial, and together, we’ll have a great year of fun building a competitive robot.

Restarting the LCC MavBots Team?

We are having an interest meeting in LCC Room 904 this Thursday, October 5th @ 6 pm to see if there is enough support to start up the LCC FIRST Robotics Competition Team.

It will require a lot of parental support as well as fundraising.

Please visit our meeting for more information and to learn about what it entails to run a competitive high school robotics team.

Questions? Email Mr. Fine: michael.fine@sduhsd.net