MavBots Are Back! Next Steps

Thank you to all who attended our second robotics team interest meeting Wednesday night. We have enough student and parent support to start the team up again!

Event Reminder: “Battle at the Border” this weekend @ Cathedral Catholic

If you’re curious about an offseason robot competition, attend the “Battle at the Border” this weekend at Cathedral Catholic. Details are at the end of this post.

Immediate Action Needed: Role Sign-up

Our first priority is determining the roles students and parents are interested in. There is now a SignUpGenius for leadership positions, areas of interest, and parent roles.

The team will decide the best way to organize for this season.

As a small team, most students fill multiple roles. Sign up for as many positions or areas as you would like. Our goal is to find out what areas you are most interested in.

Parents, please fill out the parent roles that fit you best.

SignUpGenius Form

The SignUpGenius closes on Sunday night, so sign up as soon as possible!

Next Steps:

Step 1:

Fill out the Doodle poll for next week’s meeting availability so we can set a meeting time for next week

Step 2:

        Join the team Discord server (link expires 10/19/2023)

#annoucements is for team announcements 

#general is for team discussions

        Beginner’s Guide to Discord

Step 3:
Join Google Classroom for general announcements and schedules

Class code: yybick7 

We will continue to send email messages and post on Discord if Google Classroom doesn’t work for you.

Upcoming Event Details:

“Battle at the Border” Offseason Robotics Competition


Cathedral Catholic
5555 Del Mar Heights Rd
San Diego, CA 92130

Best Times to Visit:
Saturday (12-4 PM) or Sunday (10-1 PM)

Note: Wear closed-toe shoes and bring safety goggles if you plan to visit the pit areas.

If anyone has experience with machining or CNC machines, send me a message. 

Thank you all for your enthusiasm and prompt responses as we move forward to restart the LCC MavBots team. Your involvement is crucial, and together, we’ll have a great year of fun building a competitive robot.

*** If you wish to be removed from the team mailing list, let me know ***

Warmest regards,

Mike Fine