Get registered for the 2017-2018 season!

Our season starts on Saturday, January 9, 2017.


Register now so you don’t miss out!

Please follow this step-by-step guide to get signed up with the LCC MavBots!

Step 1:

Go to


Step 2:

When you hit the submit button, FIRST will send you an e-mail that looks like this:

Please click on the link to activate your account.

Step 3:

Click on “Click here to Log in”

Step 4

Parent logs in with your new account using e-mail address and password from above

Step 5

Click on “PARENT/GUARDIAN – YOUTH” then click the “ADD A YOUTH” button.

Step 6

You’ll be taken to the Student Registration system called “STIMS”. Click on “Edit/View” to complete your Parent Profile.

Step 7

Fill out the Youth Profile and accept the terms at the bottom, and click NEXT.

Step 8

Click on “Add Youth”

Step 9

In the first box, select “School” and in the second box (“PUBLIC/PRIVATE SCHOOL”) select “La Costa Canyon High”

NOTE: you do not need to enter a Student ID number

Click “NEXT”

Step 10

Accept the Consent and Release Agreement


Step 11


In Step 1, select “FIRST Robotics Competition (Suggested ages 14-18)

In Step 2, enter “5514” as the team number

Click “APPLY”

Step 12

CONGRATULATIONS! Your application is complete. You should see the message below. Thanks for joining the LCC MavBots!


Get registered!

Our season starts on Saturday, January 9, 2017.


Register now so you don’t miss out!

Registration with FIRST Robotics Competition is rather convoluted. Please follow this step-by-step guide to get signed up with the LCC MavBots!

Step 1:

Go to

and click Register

Step 2:

Parent creates an account first

Step 3:

The next screen that shows up after you click “Register” will say “Email Confirmed” but it is NOT ACTUALLY CONFIRMED. Go figure.

So check your e-mail for a message like this and click the link to “accept your account”:

Step 4

Parent logs in with your new account using e-mail address and password from above

Step 5

Click on “Complete Youth Member Registration”


Step 6

You’ll be taken to the Student Registration system called “STIMS”. Click on “Edit/View” to complete your Parent Profile.

Step 7

You’ll need to fill out more information, specifically your home address and a telephone number. Click “Save” when done.

***The FIRST site has had some problems so you may get an error like the one below — just click SAVE again ***

Step 8

Click on “Add Youth”

Step 9

Enter your student’s birthdate

Step 10

Fill out student information and click “Save Account Information”

Step 11

Complete “School section” by clicking “Edit/View”

Step 12

Choose “Public/Private School”, then postal code 92009, then click “Search” Choose “La Costa Canyon High”. ***First incorrectly lists LCC as Encinitas, CA***

Fill out remaining required questions and click “Save”

Step 13

Click “Apply to FRC Team” under the FRC logo:

Step 14

Enter our team number “5514” and click “Apply to Team”

Step 15

You will receive a confirmation message. Click “Ok” — we’re almost there!

Step 16

Click “View/Edit” under “Consent Form Status”

Step 17

Read the consent form, then click “Sign Form”

A pop-up will appear to confirm your decision to sign the consent and release form. Click “Ok”

Step 18

Congratulations — you’re done!

Join LCC Robotics!

We’re excited to start another year of robotics competition at LCC! We are the La Costa Canyon MavBots Robotics Team. THIS IS NOT THE LCC ROBOTICS CLASS. We are an extracurricular competitive robotics team and we love that there’s a class in school now.

Are you an athlete? Robotics can fit around your schedule.

Sign up now to get our meeting information and learn more about competitive robotics at La Costa Canyon!

Sign up today!
reCAPTCHA is required.

2016 San Diego Regional Tournament Info


Thursday: Meet at Del Mar Arena (Del Mar Fairgrounds) at 8:30 am. Fix arm, complete inspection of robot, practice and coding. Day ends around 8 pm

Friday: Meet at Fine’s to carpool at 7:00 am or at Del Mar Fairgrounds at 8:00 am. All day tournament rounds. Day ends around 8 pm.

Saturday: Meet at Fine’s to carpool at 7:00 am or at Del Mar Fairgrounds at 8:00 am. Morning competition. If we make it to Quarterfinals, these happen after lunch. Ends around 5 :30pm




10th Annual San Diego Regional FIRST Robotics Competition

March 2nd – 5th, 2016

Letter of Welcome for Teams


On behalf of the San Diego Regional Planning Committee it is my great pleasure to welcome all teams and volunteers to the Week One FIRST Robotics Competition: Stronghold, our 10th Annual San Diego Regional! The committee has been hard at work to ensure you have a safe, fun, highly competitive and successful event.


Our event will be at the Del Mar Arena on the Del Mar Fairgrounds. The general entrance for load-in and the public will be the Main Gate located on Jimmy Durante Blvd. just off Interstate 5 and Via De La Valle.

To get a map of the area, search for Del Mar Fairgrounds. The site address is

2260 Jimmy Durante Blvd, Del Mar, CA 92014

Check out the full agenda and other event information at our website

Let’s review some of the major highlights of our event and venue.



Parking will be free for everyone on Wednesday and Thursday in the main parking lot. (Zone 3 on the Evacuation Map.) On Friday and Saturday there will be a $10 parking fee charged, per vehicle per entry by the venue.


We were able to negotiate a limited number of discounted parking passes for teams.  These team parking passes will be $10 each and limited to 2 per team. They will be good for both Friday and Saturday and will allow in and out access.  These parking passes must be purchased in advance on Thursday from Pit Admin.  To use these special passes teams will need to enter through the Solana gate (off Via De La Valle ½ mile west of Jimmy Durante Blvd.,) on the North end of the fair grounds. For dropping off and picking up team members there will be a designated area at the Main Entrance.


There will be an area to park equipment trailers (no RV’s or camping trailers) on the fair grounds.  Details on this will be available at the event on Wednesday and Thursday.


Venue Food Policy:

No team food will be allowed in the facility and no parking lot “tailgating” is allowed by the venue. Individuals may bring personal snacks and lunch and teams will be allowed to load water into the pits during load in. Food may not be delivered into to the venue from outside. Venue operated concessions will be available Thursday, Friday, and Saturday.


To make feeding your teams easier there will be pre-order box lunches available for Thursday, Friday and Saturday.  If you are interested in purchase pre-order lunches for your team please complete the attached order form and submit it no later than Monday, 2/29.  Information on vouchers and box lunch pick up will be available at pit admin.


Load In:

Pit load in will be available Wednesday from 6PM to 8PM and Thursday from 7:45AM to 8:30AM. This year pit setup will be allowed during load in. As always, teams are limited to five (5) team members in proper safety attire (Safety glasses, closed toed shoes, hair secured, etc.) Teams may enter through the Main Gate off Jimmy Durante Blvd. and will be directed where to go.


From Our Lead Robot Inspector, Mr. Sisk:

Welcome to the San Diego Regional. We have a great team of inspectors at the regional whose number one goal is to get your team on the field with a safe and legal robot.


All robots will need to pass a safety inspection before their first practice match (3.4.1 Safety Rules) and be fully inspected before qualification matches (G7-A). Bumpers are back this year, every team must have red and blue bumpers in order to compete. Carefully review 4.7 Bumper Rules in the game manual, pay special attention to R19 and how it describes each corner of the robot must be protected by an 8-inch bumper segment. Be sure to bring documentation for any unusual parts so the inspectors can determine their legality. Documentation also includes a Bill of Materials and your Robot Lockup form.



Any singers that would like to represent your team? Would they like to lead us in singing the National Anthem at our opening ceremonies on Friday and Saturday? Tryouts will be held on Thursday at 11:00AM in the Chairman’s/Deans list rooms. Acapella only please, soloists and small groups welcome.


Women In Engineering event: We are partnering with the Society for Women Engineers to host a Women in Engineering event on Friday at 1:30. Please see the attached flyer and encourage your female team members to attend.


Student Ambassador:

We would invite 2 members of your team to take a shift in our Student Ambassador program. They will escort a variety of folks that sign up for tours of our event. Sign up at Pit Admin.


Safety First:

FIRST Teams are always prepared! Please review with your teams the attached evacuation map. Our competition will be in Zone 2 while most of the public parking will be in Zone 3. Of course we don’t anticipate any event but please be familiar with the map and know the venue procedures.


The entire San Diego Planning Committee welcomes you and if there is anything we can do to make your event more enjoyable, please let us know.


Dan Glenn

Chairman, San Diego Regional Planning Committee

Permission Slips for 2016 San Diego Regional


Permission Slip for 2016 San Diego Regional Competition (PDF, 10MB)

IF YOU ARE PLANNING TO PARTICIPATE IN THE TOURNAMENT, you must be officially registered F.I.R.S.T. with a completed consent form


*** Anyone who is not officially registered with FIRST will not be allowed to work on the pits, drive the robot, speak with judges, or in any way participate as a team member ***

Robot Build (Week 5)

Two weeks left! We’ve made great progress and our robot has touched the ground and can turn. On to the ball handler.

Robot Build (Week 4)

We have exactly THREE WEEKS from midnight to complete our robot, including software coding and drive practice. We need to finish the robot build this week. Make as many of the build times as you can, but remember that family and school come first. Also, if you’re headed to Winter Formal on Saturday, don’t worry about coming over to SDA that day and have a fun, safe time!


2016 FIRST Robotics Competition KICKOFF

Our robotics competition season starts Saturday with a couple of events.

Sign up here for the events you will attend


Saturday, January 9, 2016 KICKOFF @ ViaSat

Come watch the official release of this year’s game! We’ll watch a video overview of the game and see the field elements. After kickoff, we’ll head over to SDA to start planning our robot design.

Sign up (above) and meet at LCC  this Saturday morning at 6:30 am. Information from the kickoff organizers is attached

Brainstorming Sessions @ SAN DIEGUITO ACADEMY

If you can’t make it to the kickoff event, come to some (or all) of the brainstorming sessions at SDA. Their robotics team has invited us back and is going to mentor our team for a second year. The sessions start after Kickoff at ViaSat on Saturday and we’ll continue on Sunday.

We’ll meet in their media center and discuss this year’s game, including rules, limitations and strategies. This is an important part of our overall robot design planning. It’s fun!

There is lunch served both days at SDA.  Again, please sign up if you will make any or all of the brainstorming sessions.

It’s okay if you can only drop in one or both days. Any time you can put in will help the team!

Saturday January 9 @ SDA

o The SDA kickoff event will begin at 10 am in the media center.
o Students, mentors, teachers, alumni and parents will be meeting 10am-4pm in the media center
o Parent hosted taco bar 12:30 in front of the media center
o Parent meeting 1:30pm in the Mosaic Café
o Students to depart at 4pm

Sunday January 10 @ SDA
o Students, mentors, teachers, alumni and parents will begin meeting at 9am in the media center, may move to the shop to begin prototyping at some point.
o Parent hosted sandwich bar at 12:00 in front of the media center
o Students to depart at 3:30pm


We need help carpooling the team over to the kickoff at ViaSat. We’d also like to help pull our weight with the SDA team team, so if you can help serve lunch or bring food either day, it would be appreciated.

To help with lunch on Saturday between 11 am – 1 pm

 To help with lunch on Sunday between 11 am – 1 pm

Now Recruiting!

The LCC Robotics Team is looking for new team members for the upcoming FIRST Robotics Competition season. Join the team!

Sign up today!
reCAPTCHA is required.